Let me start at the beginning in 2003 when I had the idea to start making dolls and to make them all by hand myself. After 6 months it turned out this was not a good idea and someone told me about a social workplace in a town called Sittard, next to my hometown.
A social workplace is a workplace which creates a work environment for people who are slightly physically or mentally disabled and can’t find a “regular” job. This was a perfect match, not only did I like the social aspect of it, I also met very nice and helpful people to work with and who knew how to sew my dolls perfectly. It really helped Esthex grow and I had no intention to leave.
Untill I received a phonecall in 2006 of a German couple called Peter and Simone. They had seen my dolls on a tradeshow in Amsterdam and were interested in producing them in their Thai factory. I always thought producing in the far east means bad working conditions, low payments for the employees and I was too comfortable at the social workplace. So I kindly explained I wasn’t interested. But funny enough they kept calling and in the end I agreed to meet them for a cup of tea. They then explained they run this Thai factory with a Thai family since 1969 and in these years they received an ICTI certificate which means they provide good working conditions for their employees. After hearing this and all the sewing possibilities I was then convinced I had to take this step for Esthex and have never regretted it since. Again I was very lucky to meet very nice people and it was lovely meeting everyone in the factory in 2008, it looked like the social workplace only with palm trees : )